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  1. Fliqlo For Mac
  2. Fliqlo The Flip Clock Screensaver
  • 1 Бесплатные заставки (скринсейверы) для компьютера Mac и Windows: 10 стильных вариантов
  • 2 8 Excellent Free Screensavers To Make Your Screen Productive When Idle
  • 3 Fliqlo Flip Clock Screensaver for Windows & Mac

Бесплатные заставки (скринсейверы) для компьютера Mac и Windows: 10 стильных вариантов

Если вы являетесь счастливым владельцем iMac, Mac mini или MacBook (используемого чаще в домашних целях), то вам обязательно необходимо обзавестись стильной заставкой, которая будет куда привлекательнее, чем штатные варианты от macOS. Мы предлагаем десяток интересных вариантов для повседневного использования. Имеются заставки оптимизированные под Windows PC.

Fliqlo windows download; ace admin 1.3 3; fliqlo設定; fliqlo iphone free; fliqlo mac 2018; padbury clock; fliqlo教學; 螢幕保護程式時鐘win10; flip clock online; fliqlo mac下載; foobar2000 1.3 3; win7螢幕保護程式時鐘; google時鐘螢幕保護程式; fliqlo windows 7 download; padbury. Descargar fliqlo windows, fliqlo windows, fliqlo windows descargar gratis. Fliqlo for Mac is a clock screensaver that allows you to make your desktop/laptop screen look like a flip clock. Thanks to its visibility, you can read the time even from a distance. Dec 10, 2010.

О том, как установить заставку на Mac читайте в этом материале.

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Fliqlo Flip Clock

Наверняка многие из вас при просмотре зарубежных фильмов замечали винтажные перекидные часы, падение чисел в которых сопровождалось приятным щелчком. Цифровой вариант доступен для каждого. В настройках этой заставки выставляется как 12-, так и 24-часовой формат отображения времени. Размер циферблата также поддаётся корректировке (от 25% до 125% от оригинального размера).

Скачать Fliqlo Flip Clock для macOS и Windows

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Cadbury Clock

Простой и минималистичный вариант часов, цифры которых реализованы узким тонким шрифтом Helvetica New, повсеместно используемый в iOS 7-9 редакции. В настройках есть несколько вариантов кастомизации и тёмная тема, которая может активироваться автоматически в зависимости от времени суток.

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Apple Watch Screensaver for macOS

Если вас всегда привлекали Apple Watch, но их покупку вы считаете слишком дорогой и нецелесообразной, то мы рекомендуем установить в качестве заставки Mac с ювелирной точностью воссозданные циферблаты от умных часов из Купертино. Скринсейвер имеет пять стильных шаблонов и богатый инструментарий для кастомизации внешнего вида часов (более 80 вариантов компоновки). На момент написания материала популярный скринсейвер был скачан почти 150 000 раз.

Скачать Apple Watch Screensaver для macOS

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iOS Lock Screen

Если вы успели соскучиться по оригинальному экрану блокировки iOS 7 — iOS 9 и убитому слайдеру Разблокируйте, то мы предлагаем вам установить заставку iOS Lock Screen. Она в точности имитирует локскрин iPhone и iPad с временем, датой и высококачественными обоями.

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Заставка с генерируемыми мыльными пузырями пронизываемыми мелкими движущимися частицами. Настройки предлагают выкрутить несколько параметров для достижения наилучшего восприятия.

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Продвинутая заставка со множеством разнообразных визуализаций. Отличительная особенность скринсейвера заключается в генерировании картинки не по какому-то внутреннему алгоритму, а в зависимости от окружающих звуков и их громкости.

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ПО ТЕМЕ: Как перенести фото и видео с компьютера (Windows или Mac) в облако Google Фото и освободить место на накопителе.

After Dark: Starry Night

Римейк классического скринсейвера Starry Night и Starry Skyline созданного компанией Berkeley Systems, первым коммерческим успехом которой стал виртуальный рабочий стол для Macintosh (1989—1991 годы). Заставка попкисельно отрисует ночной город со звёздным небом.

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Заставка не и имеет ничего общего с одноимённым приложением. Скринсейвер продемонстрирует разнообразное движение частиц. Этот вариант отличается высокой динамикой и кислотностью. Скорость, количество частиц и прочие параметры поддаются настройке.

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8 Excellent Free Screensavers To Make Your Screen Productive When Idle

Screensavers seem to be old technology but it can be used to make the computer screen more colorful and productive even when the system is not in use.

Screensavers are a set of animations activated when the computer remains idle for a specific period.

Screensaver is disabled by default in the latest versions of Windows 10. You need to enable the screensaver of your choice from the system settings. Let's first go through how to enable and change screensavers in Windows 10. After that, we'll give you a list of some stunning screensavers which will make your screen vivid and productive.

How to enable and change Screensavers in Windows 10

There are a few ways to open the Screensaver settings window. From the settings screen, we can enable/disable the screensaver, configure time after which the screensaver gets activated automatically and change the screensaver. We will discuss each here:

From Windows Settings

  1. Open Windows Settings (Windows key + i)
  2. Go to Personalization –> Lock Screen
  3. From the right-hand pane, click on Screen saver settings link.

Fliqlo For Mac

Screensaver settings in Windows 10

From command line


Выбрав красную таблетку, Нео отправился в матрицу минуя россыпь падающих зелёных иероглифов. Существует огромное количество вариаций «входа». Эта симпатичная и бесплатная заставка отлично будет смотреться на вашем Mac.

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8 Excellent Free Screensavers To Make Your Screen Productive When Idle

Screensavers seem to be old technology but it can be used to make the computer screen more colorful and productive even when the system is not in use.

Screensavers are a set of animations activated when the computer remains idle for a specific period.

Screensaver is disabled by default in the latest versions of Windows 10. You need to enable the screensaver of your choice from the system settings. Let's first go through how to enable and change screensavers in Windows 10. After that, we'll give you a list of some stunning screensavers which will make your screen vivid and productive.

How to enable and change Screensavers in Windows 10

There are a few ways to open the Screensaver settings window. From the settings screen, we can enable/disable the screensaver, configure time after which the screensaver gets activated automatically and change the screensaver. We will discuss each here:

From Windows Settings

  1. Open Windows Settings (Windows key + i)
  2. Go to Personalization –> Lock Screen
  3. From the right-hand pane, click on Screen saver settings link.

Fliqlo For Mac

Screensaver settings in Windows 10

From command line

Go to Run –>control desk.cpl,@screensaver

This will open the settings window. You can also create a Desktop shortcut using the same command.

On the screensaver settings window, you can change various settings how much to wait until the screensaver becomes active, whether to ask for password after the resumption of activity, etc. You can also preview the selected screensaver. You can select the active screensaver from the drop-down list on the same screen.

Screensaver settings

screensaver Installation

Normally, a screensaver comes with the filetype of .SCR. If you download the .SCR file, just right-click it and select Install. It will automatically get installed and activated by default.

There are some screensavers which come in an executable installer. You can run the .EXE file to install the screensaver. Usually, these screensavers come with extra settings. You can check additional settings on the Screensaver settings window.

Fliqlo – The Digital Clock Screensaver

Fliqlo clock screensaver

Fliqlo turns the computer screen into a large traditional digital flip clock. You can see the time even when you are at a distance. If you take small work breaks, this keeps on reminding about your work and time.

Fliqlo comes with an executable installer and is very light on resources. Other features include changing the clock size, switching between 12 and 24-hour clock and switching between portrait and landscape modes.

This screensaver is available for Windows and macOS platforms.

Download Fliqlo screensaver

This screensaver requires Adobe Flash player to be installed on the system.

As an alternative, you can check out Digital Clock 7, Panerai and Station Clock 7.

Living Marine Aquarium 2 – Make your screen an aquarium

Living Marine Aquarium 2 screensaver

Living Marine Aquarium converts your laptop screen into a live aquarium with 18 animated species of fish and other sea creatures. The screensaver also comes with 3 different aquarium template options.

It comes with an executable installer which is only available for Windows. If you are on Windows 10, you will need to run this fix file before running the installer.

Download Living Marine Aquarium 2 screensaver

Beware of the real aquarium sound it produces if you have speakers on. You can change screen resolution and color depth of the screensaver in the settings.

System 47 – The Library Computer Access And Retrieval System Screensaver

System 47

System 47 screensaver is especially for geeks. It simulates the Star Trek LCARS which was the primary computer system on Star Trek's Starfleet. When activated, it will start simulating the system and will be very tech-savvy to watch.

System 47 is available for Windows as well as macOS.

Download System 47 screensaver

As an alternative, you can also check out Another Matrix screensaver which simulates the famous Matrix vertical binary sequence.

YoWindow – The cool weather forecast screensaver

YoWindow screensaver

YoWindow is just an actual window in your room. It gets local weather information and draws the same environment on your screen. Whether it's raining or sunshine outside, you will feel it on your screen.

You also get a temperature monitor beside the system clock which displays the current temperature of your city/town. When the screensaver is active, you will be shown other weather details current temperature with maximum and minimum, wind direction and speed, pressure and humidity. It also shows the weather forecast for the next few days.

It comes as an executable and can be installed in Windows. After installation, you will need to choose your location and the screensaver will start working with the default settings.

Download YoWindow screensaver

Helios – The bubbles screensaver

Helios screensaver

If you want a colorful animation with a black background as your screensaver, Helios is just for you. Helios generates neon shaded bubbles which keep on bouncing around on the screen.

You can control how many bubbles are created, the motion blur and the frame limit in the screensaver settings.

Download Helios screensaver

As an alternative, you may try Flow Bubbles and NFS Beautiful Bubbles.

IMAX Hubble – Images of the galaxy from Hubble telescope

IMAX Hubble screensaver

If you want to explore our universe or the galaxy we're in, you should definitely take a look at IMAX Hubble screensaver. This screensaver will show images taken from the Hubble telescope while it was being repaired by the scientists in space.

Download IMAX Hubble screensaver

As an alternative, you can check out Galaxy dance screensaver which shows an animation of our galaxy.

Wikipedia screensaver

Wikipedia Screensaver 1

If you are fond of reading and discovering new things, Wikipedia screensaver is just for you. It displays random information from Wikipedia and displays it as a screensaver when your computer is idle.

Download Wikipedia screensaver

Its installer is an executable and is available for Windows only.

Blue Screen Of Death

Blue Screen Of Death screensaver

Blue Screen of Death or BSOD is a common Windows phenomenon which occurs when Windows is unable to handle hardware or software operations and thinks it to be dangerous for the system.

Blue Screen of Death is a fun screensaver which simulates the exact BSOD screen. It shows people that the system has crashed and needs to be manually restarted.

Download Blue Screen of Death screensaver

Not satisfied with the above-mentioned screensavers? No problem!

We will show you how to create your own screensavers and even find more screensavers.

Create your own screensaver

You can use a few tools to create your own screensavers. Each tool has its advantages and disadvantages. You can choose whichever tool suits your requirement.

My Screensaver Maker

My Screensaver Maker

My Screensaver Maker is a tool to convert a list of photos and images into a screensaver. It's very easy to use with an intuitive user interface. My Screensaver Maker creates an executable installer for each screensaver so you can share your newly created screensaver with your family and friends.

You can create different kinds of screensavers with this tool:

Download My Screensaver Maker

Screensaver Producer

Screensaver Producer

If you want to create an animated and interactive screensaver, Screensaver Producer is just for you. It can create advanced sprite-based animated objects easily. It comes with a fully integrated WYSIWYG editor, object libraries and a file explorer. You can create installation packages of your screensavers with custom settings.

It can also create many kinds of screensavers including:

Fliqlo The Flip Clock Screensaver

  • Sprites
  • Flash movies
  • Photo slideshows
  • Videos

Download Screensaver Producer

How to find more screensavers?

You can also explore the following websites for more screensaver collections:

Screensavers Planet

3D Planesoft

WinCustomize Screensavers

If I have missed any good screensavers or any screensaver collection site, please let me know in the comments below and I'll add it in the list.

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Fliqlo Flip Clock Screensaver for Windows & Mac

Screensavers Planet » Screensavers » Fliqlo Flip Clock

A flip clock screensaver for Windows and Mac OS X that tells the time against a black background in either a 12-hour or 24-hour format. Along with the format, the size of the old-fashioned flip clock can also be customized, from 25% to 125% of the original size.

Free 3.91-4.52 MB for Windows, Mac 285,082DownloadScreenshotsVideo previewFilesAnti-virusHelp

Our editors have reviewed all files and found them to be safe, but they are also checked automatically using many different virus scanners. We are happy to share the results.

Virus scanner314-Fliqlo Setup.exeFliqlo 1.8.dmgAVGAvastAviraBitDefenderClamAVESET-NOD32F-SecureKasperskyMalwarebytesMcAfeeMicrosoftPandaSymantecTrendMicroWebrootLast scanned6 days ago2 weeks ago
  1. 314-Fliqlo Setup.exe (Windows)
  2. Fliqlo 1.8.dmg (Mac)
314-Fliqlo Setup.exe
Microsoft Windows
4.52 MB (4,741,323 bytes)
Portable Executable (EXE)
0/15 (0%) View report
6 minutes ago
File report #1File nameTarget systemFile sizeFile typeAnti-virusDetection ratioPopularityTotal downloadsLast downloadedFile verificationMD5SHA1SHA256File report #2File name
Fliqlo 1.8.dmg
Apple Mac
3.91 MB (4,105,094 bytes)
Apple Disk Image (DMG)
0/15 (0%) View report
1 hour ago
Target systemFile sizeFile typeAnti-virusDetection ratioPopularityTotal downloadsLast downloadedFile verificationMD5SHA1SHA256

January 18, 2015

This flip-clock screensaver comes courtesy of Yuji Adachi, a Japanese developer who also creates and publishes other free goodies besides screensavers, such as fonts, apps, icon sets and desktop wallpapers. The Fliqlo screensaver, however, appears to be one of his most popular projects, and it's still actively developed. An iOS app version of the screensaver for iPhone and iPad was recently released, and is now available in the App Store for $0.99.

The premise of this screensaver is simple: it turns your screen into an old-fashioned flip-clock that looks much the electromechanical alarm clocks invented in the mid-twentieth century. These clocks quickly grew in popularity due to their simple but elegant design, displaying the time in large white numerals against a black background. The fun and beauty of this screensaver is that it can effectively turn any Windows or Mac OS X computer into such an elegant and useful clock. The bigger the screen, the bigger the clock.

Some options available to this screensaver, that the original flip clocks did not possess, include the ability to switch between a 12 and a 24-hour format. Furthermore, the size of the clock can be adjusted on a scale of 25% to 125%. These settings can be reset at any time.

The only disadvantage we could find is that it requires the Adobe Flash Player plug-in. However, since this is a safe and free download, and most people will already have it installed on their computer, it shouldn't really be an obstacle.

All things considered, the Fliqlo Flip Clock screensaver is a well-designed and functional screensaver that can be both useful and fashionable in your home or office.

Happily, it's available both for Windows and Mac OS X.

User reviews (82)

Awesome throwback look! I have noticed that in my Windows 10 Surface the screensaver goes black and it locks my system. I've had to restart manually a few times. Finally I stopped using it. Any word on why?

Also, can we have an option to disable to «Check for updates» feature?

by Juan Lopez on February 27, 2019

Be very careful using this screensaver for extended periods of time without change. Because it's very high contrast and the clock face is completely static, you can suffer a burn in (which I did). I'm in the process of fixing it with a wallpaper created in pure white. I have a small sliver left in the repair. I've had this white wallpaper displayed now for 7 days in the repair mode. Be smart, LCD's can suffer burn in.

by John on September 5, 2018

The flip-clock is a terrible screensaver, when I downloaded it blocked my Mac, the mouse stop working and when it went to sleep mode –it didn't wake up– I had to force it to start again. I had to delete the screensaver app.

by Andres on August 10, 2018

Beware, this screensaver nught look innocent, but it remotely tries to connect with some ip unknown to me. Always remember to block this screensaver from accessing internet while the screensaver is fine & dandy, i dont understand the motive behind 'requiring internet connection', be very careful what you choose to let in your pc.

Screensavers Planet: It connects to the internet to check for available updates.

by xXx on July 5, 2018

When I downloaded the screensaver, it was a different font than the pictures displayed. I checked with my sister, because she has the clock I wanted and it was the exact same download (same numbers and year), but mine is not block letters.

by Hannah St. Clair on June 27, 2017

Simple and nice looking screen saver. Running on a few Windows 10 computers.

A concern that I have is … I copied the 314-Fliqlo Setup.exe (Windows) file to my Google Drive for safe keeping. When I try to download that file from my Google drive to any other computer, Google blocks the download and states that a virus was detected.

Screensavers Planet: Thanks for reporting that! I suspect they use ClamAV, among other programs, to scan files for viruses, and ClamAV raises a flag for the file. I have submitted a false positive report to ClamAV and expect the file to be cleared soon.

by Sam on May 11, 2017

Installed the screensaver on my Win-Vista system today, love the retro look. Works well as is but when I enter «settings» for screensaver it brings up a flash window which allows me to make changes (24hr, 125%) but does not save them when I exit. It shows a «reset» button but no «save» button, so I'm assuming it is supposed to be automatic upon closing. Any suggestions?

Screensavers Planet: It appears to be an issue with Vista and the latest version of Fliqlo. See this thread on our message board: Adjusting Flip Clock screensaver

by Janissarius on April 17, 2017

the screensaver is dope but now i have weird pop ups / notifications that appear asking me to download more stuff and i don't know how to get rid of them. probably will have to delete just that.

Screensavers Planet: That is unly to be a direct result of installing this screensaver. Feel free to post any questions or concerns to the message board.

by mm on January 18, 2017

I really it. It's not bright or over complicated. I use it on my laptop that sits on my night stand. It's nice for me, because I wear glasses. So when I am sleeping. I can just look over, without fumbling for my glasses or trying to find my phone, and know what time it is.

My BIGGEST petpeeve with this. I use 24 hour time. I am always waking up at different times, so it's MUCH easier for me to glance over, look at the clock. Cool. 900. It's 9am… 2100. cool. It's 9pm. This thing has a habit of RANDOMLY switching BACK to 12 hour time COMPLETELY ON IT'S OWN. This has almost made me late to things MORE THAN ONCE! VERY frustrating!

by Jeremy on December 23, 2016

Not working with the latest version of MacOS at the beginning— But later it is working amazing!!! Thanks and sorry for previous message.

Screensavers Planet: We recently tested it on macOS Sierra 10.12.1, and it worked just fine. Please post to the message board with details of your problem.

by FW on December 11, 2016

I saw it on a shabby to sheek decor site offon the designers computer in a small space renovation…LOVED @ first sight…. Good to be a kid in simplier times and even better to be a big kid and combine the two! Thanks for this great functional screen saver!

by samantha s. on November 15, 2016

I have the new MacBook Pro with Retina running on macOS Sierra 10.12.1 and this isn't working. Any suggestions I tried the right clicking method and opening it through there and saving it onto my desktop.

Screensavers Planet: First open the .dmg file you downloaded to bring up a window where three files will be shown. Right-click the «Fliqlo.saver» file, choose «Open», then click «OK». Failing that, please post to the message board for support.

by Vanessa on November 12, 2016

I do love this screen saver, and have been using it for ages, however I recently got another monitor, so that I can have two screens when working. When I use just my monitor with the laptop closed, then this screen saver works fine, however when I use both screens, it is off centre and too large on my extra monitor. Some sort of settings that could be changed for multiple monitors would make this screensaver even more awesome 🙂

by victoria on May 30, 2016

Can i use it on iPhone locked screen or i must run app everytime?

Screensavers Planet: This screensaver is not compatible with iOS devices such as the iPhone and iPad, only with computers running Apple OS X or Microsoft Windows. However, a similar app for your iPhone may be available in the App Store.

by Adam on February 12, 2016

i love this screensaver!!But sinds about a week there is only a white screen 🙁

hope bug (windows 10) will be fixed soon!

Screensavers Planet: An update should now be available to fix this problem for Windows 10. The update is numbered 3133431. It should automatically install, but if you want to speed it up you can open Windows Update and search for new updates.

by Sammie says on January 6, 2016

I've been using this screensaver and I loved it, untill, others have said, it randomly stopped working and only shows a white screen…

by Juul on January 3, 2016

There was a security update to Internet Explorer Flash Player today. I uninstalled the update and now Fliqlo is working again. Pokemon ultra sun citra emulator for mac.

Screensavers Planet: We have dedicated a help page to this issue. For more information, please see: I get a white screen when my screensaver runs?

by Vernon on December 30, 2015

I've been using this screensaver for year (on Windows), and others have said, today it randomly stopped working and only shows a white screen. Tried restart and uninstall/reinstall with no luck. I loved it until it stopped working today.

by ina_C on December 30, 2015

I've had this screen saver for years and absolutely loved it. I wake up this morning to find that the screen saver doesn't show a clock anymore…just a white blank screen. I restarted the computer and it didn't help. Uninstalled fliqlo and reinstalled and no luck. Even downloaded the newest version and it still just shows a white screen. Not happy right now.

by Jerome on December 29, 2015

it didn't work for me i tried it so many times and it downloaded but when i select it to use it as a wallpaper it doesn't

Screensavers Planet: That won't work because this is a screensaver, not a wallpaper. See our help article Screensavers and wallpaper: what's the difference?

by Olivia on December 8, 2015

I tried downloading this screensaver but it says my mac doesn't support this version and to contact the supplier. does anyone know how to fix this?

Screensavers Planet: This download should support Mac OS X 10.8 and newer. If you have an older version of the operating system, please try searching for an older version of the screensaver, e.g. Fliqlo 1.4, 1.3, and so on until you find one that works.

by Chris on October 21, 2015

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Thank you for using our software portal. To download the product you want for free, you should use the link provided below and proceed to the developer's website, as this is the only legal source to get FLIQLO Screen Saver.

We wish to warn you that since FLIQLO Screen Saver files are downloaded from an external source, FDM Lib bears no responsibility for the safety of such downloads. We recommend checking your downloads with an antivirus. FDM Lib shall include an option for direct download from developers, should it become available in the future.

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